Sunday, April 8, 2012

My Favorite Time of Year

Despite the many signs of spring - birds and waterfowl returning to nest in the north, trees greening and blossoming, farmers preparing their fields - temperatures were still in the thirties when I left home Saturday morning for a 30-mile gravel ride in the Thumb. Had the winter riding gear on starting off and should have planned for the warmer afternoon temps, but that's okay, the extra layer helped sweat off a few of those added winter pounds.

It's still hard to believe that everything growing is about a month ahead of schedule, and I haven't heard anyone complaining about the early warmth. Shoot, I even enjoyed getting chased by a yapping little ankle-biter that tried to take a hunk outta me - must be the weather.

So it's all good for the next five months as we break into my favorite time of year. That said, Old Man Winter can kiss my lycra-clad butt good-bye!

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